Tea Temptation – The Many Types Of Tea

Tea Temptation – The Many Types Of Tea

We all know that there is nothing better than coming home from a long day at work; the boss has been on your case all day for no reason, everything seems to have been going wrong, and the minute you stepped out of the office it started to rain, the perfect remedy for all this is popping the kettle on, and putting your feet up with a great cup of tea, now that’s better isn’t it?

But what type of tea are you going to choose? Choosing the right tea can depend on the occasion; you might want to chill out, or refresh yourself. Sometimes though, people can get into the same routine of buying the same old type each time. Not that there’s anything wrong with this; regular leaf tea has just as many healthy benefits as any others, but why not spice it up a bit?

Green tea is a simple type of tea (no added milk needed) made from exactly the same type of tea leaf, but left a bit more unprocessed with oxidation techniques. This leaves the tea with enhanced antioxidant properties, perfect for a detoxing lifestyle. For those wanting a super-packed detoxing tea, they need look no further than Matcha green tea; a fine green power made from the unrefined leaves, packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is perfect for someone wanting to follow a healthier lifestyle.

For the mellower types, herbal teas like chamomile and jasmine can provide a calming oasis where you can lose yourself. Also working as a natural sleeping aid, chamomile can relax the body and mind as well as relieving stresses; perfect to relax after a long day in the office. On the other hand, refreshingly vibrant tea such as lemongrass and peppermint can rejuvenate and restore the body, for when we need the get up and go to carry on through the day.

More adventurous people might want to try more exotic teas such as chilli or oolong tea; also known as blue tea, this blend originated in the mountains of Taiwan. Whichever you choose, both have distinctive tastes for a daring pallet or perhaps new concoctions such as liquorice and popcorn flavoured tea; offering variations on what we can call normal. No matter what type of mood you’re in though, whether it’s tired, indulgent, fussy or stressed, there will always be a type of tea suited to your needs.

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