Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Benefits of Using a Contraceptive Pill?

The pill of the day after we can also know it as morning-after pill, morning-after pill, next-day pill, post-coital pill, or post-coconut pill. It is a combination of hormones whose function is to alter the female reproductive cycle, inhibiting ovulation and preventing fertilization.

The contraceptive pill by ベストケンコー has always been surrounded by a certain controversy precisely because of those unwanted side effects (bleeding, headache, nausea, breast tenderness, mood swings …) that can cause the hormones of which it is composed – or rather , of which it was composed, since the third and fourth generation are made from other synthetic derivatives that try to avoid these effects-, the epicenter of a myriad of misunderstandings and misunderstandings lacking, in most cases, of a medical basis , as it produces infertility , that fattens or inhibits sexual desire or that it is convenient to rest from time to time.

The main advantage of the contraceptive pill by ベストケンコー lies in its effectiveness: if it is taken correctly it has a reliability of more than 99%. But it not only serves to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but many women resort to them to regulate their menstrual cycle and minimize premenstrual symptoms , such as pain, irritability or swollen chest.

How the pill works

You can avoid the natural detachment of the ovary from the ovary so that it travels its way to be fertilized.

  • In the event that the ovum has left the ovary, the emergency contraceptive acts modifying the cervical mucus. This prevents the sperm from passing into the uterus.
  • In the event that fertilization has occurred, the function of the morning-after pill is to prevent the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall, because a narrowing of the endometrial occurs. This causes the ovum to die and be expelled.
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The treatment consists in the intake of a single tablet, which you should take as soon as possible. The idea is to take it in the first 24 hours after intercourse, although the time limit is in the 72 hours after the sexual risk.


The effectiveness of the morning-after pill of ベストケンコー is almost 100% when taken in the 24 hours after risk-taking.

Ingestion of the morning-after pill has no effect on future pregnancies, since your fertility returns immediately in the next menstruation.


  • Its intake does not affect long-term fertility.
  • It does not preclude the continuity of the daily use of the contraceptive pill if you were already taking it.
  • In the case of being already pregnant and not knowing it, if you take the morning-after pill it will not increase the risk of the fetus having birth defects, etc.


  • After its taking you can feel nausea, headache, etc.
  • Irregular bleeding similar to menstruation.
  • Some medications, such as certain antibiotics, medications for depression, etc., can reduce their effectiveness.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Maybe the next menstruation arrives normal or goes ahead some days but if it is delayed you have to carry out a pregnancy test.

By alpha

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